About Us

KINGZ, LLC was incorporated in 2012 in Virginia and is a small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Native American and economically disadvantaged woman owned small business (EDWOSB), as well as Indian Small Business Economic Enterprise (ISBEE).  We specialize in supplying services to the Federal, State, and local Government, as well as contractors supporting the Government.  Our services entail the following:

  • System Engineering and Management
  • Financial Analysis
  • Training and Education
  • Document Imaging and Management
  • Call and Help Centers
  • Software Design, Development, Testing, and Maintenance
  • Studies and Analysis
  • COOP/DR Planning, Development, Hosting, and Support
  • Staff Augmentation
  • Policy and Procedural Development, Testing, and Evaluation
  • Environmental Services
  • Electronic Security System Design, Development, Installation, and Maintenance
  • Automotive Labor Services: Fleet Management, Repair, Maintenance, and Restoration